Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Busy as a bee

So I have failed on the blogging front! I don't even know if anyone reads my blog, but I decided i would update everyone on life. This time of year is my favorite minus the cold. I love to watch the snow, but driving and being basically anywhere near it makes me dislike it. Maybe if i took up skiing it would not be so bad. This is the end of my third week off of school. It has been a nice break. I just wish Lance could have had more days off, I really NEVER see him. It is sad:( That is the way we survive right now though, it's kind of hard with kids and everything else we do. So I don't know if I have mentioned this but I am doing the Clinical Laboratory Science program at Weber State University. I have loved it so far. As of right now I hope to do the accelerated program and graduate next year with my bachelors degree. After I get my degree I plan on working at a hospital lab somewhere while Lance goes to school. Whenever he is done I really want to go to PA school, but we will see what the future holds. I have always wanted a career and I am thankful that I have the opportunity to go to school.
So Lance is still serving at Goodwood and it has been a good steady job for him. It gets us what we need in life right now and we could not be more blessed. My babies are growing like weeds!!! Jaxon is almost FOUR and Kyleigh is two and half. Wow how time flies. They are my joy in life and I am so lucky to have them. They are just GREAT kids. They love each other so much and I love seeing them grow up together.
Christmas was SO much fun. Jaxon and Kyleigh are getting to the fun age! They actually were getting excited about everything. We had the elves watch them throughout December and report back to Santa Claus. I don't know how they got him fooled this year!! Those elves must have not been watching close. Just kidding, they were good! Well this next semester I am taking 18 credit hours, so I don't know how much I will be blogging. I will try to keep up on everything, but usually after 8pm it is homework time for mom!! If I start blogging and stuff I can't seem to stop myself and then it ends up badly. I do read all of my friends blogs out there though!! I know what you are doing in life, so I decided I would try to update you all. Well I don't know if anyone even knows that we exist anymore but I thought I would just blog to make me feel better.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A quick picture update

So I have been an awful blogger!!! I have been busy. I just wanted to quickly post some pictures from the beginning of my summer. These are pictures from Kyleigh's birthday party and my little sister Suzie's graduation from High School. Yay!! I will post more of an update later. Also stay tuned for pictures from the Virgin Islands.

Everyone always helps with presents
This is my nephew Kason, it is funny because......

this is his Sister Alyx. I do not know why I got
pictures with both of them upside-down, but I
thought it was funny!!

The birthday girl, I do not know why her smile
is a little off. Cute little 2 year old.

They love eachother!!! So cute

Mother, Suzie, and my dad

My sisters. Suzie, Rachel, me and Deanne. Suzie has
been rooming with us all summer!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our trip to the Zoo

The past two days Lance did not have to work, wow that rarely happens two days in a row. We took advantage of it though, because I start summer school next week. Tuesday we went and saw Wolverine and Wednesday we went to the Zoo. It was a perfect day for the Zoo, the animals were still a little lively. Jaxon just wanted to see Lion Kings the whole time. Kyleigh just trailed behind him.

This is Jaxon growling
Kyleigh on the carousel

Jaxon on the carousel

My little monkey

The Lion was getting them

Oh no, not Jaxon

Seriously, Jaxon tried to set the animals free. He said they looked sad:(

Oh, I just love this picture

When we first arrived. Jaxon was our navigator

Monday, May 4, 2009

My New House

The nice wide stairs, no falls yet. (knock on wood)

The family room and kitchen. Oh and Kyleigh's cute hat head.

We need our television updated

Kids bathroom

Laundry room

Kitchen, my kids love these stools, they used to be in grammy's house

Just another view

Office/ spare room

This picture is weird..... yes Kyleigh sleeps on a mattress on the floor. She loves it! These toys are rarely in the bin during the day.

Master overlooking master bath

We have cute double doors to the master bedroom, and I love the vaulted ceilings.

I had a hard time with the angles

Lance's sink

My sink

Shower and big wonderful tub.... LOVE IT

Huge master closet, we have a lot of work to do to fill it up:):)

It's a great house, once you get over all of the problems. This week our bathroom outlets do not work:) Oh what an adventure. I have not put up any decorations, but that might be this week's project before summer school starts. Well that is my house, hope to have a big party one of these days.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My baby sister's last Prom

So yesterday I got to go help my little sister get ready for prom. She has grown into the most beautiful amazing gal. I am so proud of her. She had a track meet all morning (and got her best time running in the rain), then got to go to prom. She will be going to Weber this fall and is coming to live with me this summer. I am so excited!!!! Jaxon was so cute, he kept saying that she was a princess going to the ball, and he wanted to dance with her. I was tying up the back of her dress and he said mom are you done yet, I want to dance with the princess!!! So cute! The pictures are not the greatest quality because I had to buy a disposable one. I left mine at home. Well Suzie if you ever read this, I hope you enjoyed your night. Love ya.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yes, I am alive!

So let me just tell you, I have been one busy gal. We moved into our house Monday April 6th, and it has been non-stop adventure! I will list the things that have gone wrong so far, first; no weather stripping on the back door and our dishwasher did not work. Ya, they came and took care of both of those quickly. Our master bathroom shower doors were missing when we moved in as well. It is a little unnerving when you sign for a new house, and it is not even finished yet. Well, that was taken care of within a few days. So yay, I think I can finally start making myself feel at home.......... NOT.......... then come the big problems. I came home from shopping on Friday and walked into my basement to find water. Lance was not home, so I called my father-in-law. He come over and was nice enough to help me clean it up, and said the sewer probably backed up, how lovely. Lance made some phone calls Saturday morning and a plumber came and I guess fixed the problem.( knock on wood). So then a couple days later it rains and rains and rains. Lance decided to check the basement, oh now we had water coming in from the window. It actually looked like it was coming right through the foundation. AWESOME! Our basement is the lowest point, so their was a nice little pond Lance got to take care of. He dug a little trench for all of the water to go into, so that helped it. I guess they still need to landscape, so that is the reasoning behind this. WHATEVER!!! I thought I bought I new house so I would not have to deal with leaks and sewege backups and problems that old houses have. I know it is the joy of being a homeowner, but come on! My house is under warranty for one year, so lets just hope that everything that will go wrong will go wrong within the next year!!!! To top it off it is the end of the semester. I will write more about school later because that's a whole other ten pages of writing. I just wanted to let anyone who reads my lovely blog know that we are good, just stressed. I don't even know if anyone will take the time to read this, but maybe you can give me some comments to boost my spirit:) I will post pictures probably toward the end of the week of my lovely house.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So today is my birthday and I am just sitting here waiting for my kids to wake up and play with me. Lance had to work all day today, so he took me out all day yesterday. He took me shopping and out to eat. I wish we could have gone today, but that is ok. We also went bowling. He is really fun to bowl with because he bowls the strangest way. He doesn't use the thumb hole and then makes the ball spin. Well he bought me a new comforter and some pots and pans. I posted some pictures up. The pots and pans picture is not the exact set, but it looks like that. I am so excited to get my house so I can use this stuff. (If I get my house). We STILL do not have a for sure!! Well this spring break has been nice. I should probably be studying, but I am enjoying the break for a minute.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Update on life

I really am not a slacker, I have been extremely busy. I thought I would take a minute during nap time to update everyone on what's going on with our life. So Lance has been working about 60-70 hours a week, and I work at least 1 day a week. So I do not see much of him. I also am going to school full time, and am a full time mother:) We stay pretty busy. Right now we are also in the process of getting our townhouse! Oh my goodness it is exciting, but stressful. We move in the end of March, hopefully everything works out.
So my children could not be better, I just do not know what I would do without them. Sure it is hard with school, but they are so much fun. Jaxon is a neat freak! Oh my goodness every time he misses the toilet he cleans up everything. I know he probably should not use the Clorox wipes, but he gets so mad at me if I do not let him clean everything up. I am there the whole time and we wash his hands after, I hope no one thinks I am an awful mother! Kyleigh is talking like crazy and wants to be potty trained so bad. She walks about saying, "I go potty." Oh they just make my life an adventure. Jaxon has been doing so good eating, I am so proud of him. It usually takes mom shoving food down his throat, but he is trying new things. He has been eating meat veggies, yay for him. Kyleigh is so good at eating. The only thing I have found that she does not like is applesauce, weird huh? Jaxon loves applesauce, and every time I give it to him she begs for it. I finally give her some, and then the dry heaving starts. She doe this at least once a week. She might change her mind one of these days.
One more thing, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my sister Suzie. She is 18 years old, my baby sister! I can not believe it. I do not know if my sister reads my blog, but I thought I would say it anyway. Well I don't want this to get too long, so I will leave it here. I will post more pictures one of these days.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Ridiculous effects drugs have on me

So I am not one who often takes any type of drug when I am not feeling well. I usually just try to tough it out, there is only one time of the month that I usually want a little something. Sorry for the men that read this, but ladies I know you feel my pain. When I was a teenager I would always take Midol, it worked wonders. I usually take the caffinated kind and that is the problem, maybe I should buy un-caffinated. Ever since my first cycle after Kyleigh I have been so sensitive to it, so I usually take Ibprofen. Well every once in a while I think life has changed and I take my Midol. So yesterday at around 4:30 I took some. Lance came home like at 10:30 and was wondering what was wrong with me because I was not drifting off to sleep. I seriously could not go to sleep. Lance stayed up with me, but in turn we woke up Jaxon and then he woke up Kyleigh. It was family time last night til about 1:30. Then I decided I should be a good example and get my family to bed. I was still not tired!! I sat in bed for a while and then finally fell asleep probably around like 2:30-3. I know this isn't that late to some people, but I am one who gets up in the morning no matter what. I just can not sleep in. I slept in til 7 today though, and I still woke up wide awake. I have learned another lesson in not taking this stuff, funny thing is I only took half a dose. Well if anyone read this I am sorry if it was boring. I just have a lot of energy and this typing is working wonders for me.
Thanks for reading

Monday, January 26, 2009

Oh I need a break!

So I have been studying a lot today and I keep drifting off to sleep, I didn't sleep well last night darn it! That's the bad thing about online classes, a lot of reading. So I just realized that a month ago today was the last time Jaxon wore diapers, yay Jaxon!!! Can I tell you how frustrating the whole potty training thing was? I just don't think he was really ready! I had been trying since before Halloween, well trying off and on. I got very impatient with him! We got him a prize bucket and everything, but it did not work. So Santa brought him some underwear, and the day after Christmas I put them on him. He kept having accident after accident, and I was asking him about every 20 minutes if he had to go potty. 5 minutes after asking him and trying to get him to go, I would find a little puddle somewhere. I did not want to go back to diapers so this is what I did;
I TOOK ALL HIS CHRISTMAS TOYS AWAY!!! I had him help me get all of his toys and put them in my away and I told him that when he went in the potty he would get a toy back. If he had an accident I would take another away. So the next couple of days were entertaining because he made sure I took his toys away when he had an accident. He said, " mommy you take this toy too?" He wanted me to get all of the accessories to the bigger toys. Well I felt mean, but it worked for him. I am so happy to not have 2 in diapers anymore! He still wears a pull-up at nap time and bedtime, but hopefully we will figure that out next. Well I hope that was not a boring read, maybe it will help some of you, who knows. I must thank Amy for putting the idea in my head:)
One more thing, after our taxes are done we will know for sure if we can get our house. We picked the colors and and everything, so I would hate to be disappointed. We will see, cross your fingers!!!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I have a 3 year old!!!!!!

So I just had to write really quick about Jaxon's birthday. He turned 3 Monday Januray 12th, I am a little slow at getting this posted. It is so crazy to me that I have a 3 year old. He is just the sweetest little boy ever. I just wanted to say some things about him for his birthday.

When I was pregnant with Jaxon it was literally 9 months of misery. I hated being pregnant. I threw up about 3 times a day or more. I just got used to doing it, so it eventually did not bother me(yes for the whole 9 months). I had constant heart burn, my feet were always swollen, and on top of that I had kidney stones. They had to surgically remove them because they couldn't laser them out. No, it was no fun at all. I was went in on the night of January 11 to start the inducing process. They gave me something to dilate me and then they gave me a sleeping pill. Lance and I remember that night! It had the opposite affect on me, I was hallucinating and could not sleep at all!!! So the next morning I remember getting started and it taking forever. I think they started about 6 am and I had him about 5pm. As soon as I saw him all of the pain of being pregnant was nothing compared to the love I had for him. I would do it over and over! Jaxon was the best baby ever, he was so mellow. He had the most quiet little cry. Plus he slept through the night at 5 weeks!!! I feel so blessed to have him in my life. He is so thoughtful and caring and I just love him so much. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

The day we took Jaxon home

So here are some pictures from Jaxon's party we had on Monday, I love when family gets together.
Kyleigh helping opening presents

This is cake on his face, he got some new tools.

Kason and Alyx helping Jaxon open presents.

My sisters, aunt Margene, and Christine and Erin(practically sister- in-laws
Stacy, Brett, Todd, and Jordyn

Kyleigh and Jaxon with Grammy

Yes, this is my masterpiece. It took me an hour to decorate!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

So another year has gone. I am really excited about this next year of my life. What an adventure life is. I wish I wrote in my journal more so I could remember my thoughts at certain times in my life. (Hey look a new years resolution.) 2008 is now gone, crazy!!!! Jaxon will be 3 in like less than 2 weeks. I will have a 3 year old.
So Christmas Eve we went to my Grandma's house and Santa showed up and Jaxon and Kyleigh were in awe. Jaxon was looking outside for reindeer most of the time. We told him they were on the roof. I am glad Santa to my grandma's house, that was good preparation. It was so fun to have Santa leave presents at our house! Jaxon loved it and was so excited. Lance and I didn't prepare well though, we ended up wrapping everything the night before. Lessons for the future! When we finally went to bed I could not sleep because I was so excited. I felt like a kid! It was so fun to see how excited my kids were. I loved it!!!! I would post pictures, but I didn't take very many. Well all in all it was a GREAT Christmas! Did I mention I got P90X work out videos? I have been doing them and I love, love, love it! Oh one more thing. Jaxon is pretty much potty trained! What an adventure. That will be another days post.
So I just wanted to post some pictures from this year to look back on.

This girl does not like things in her hair!

I just love this picture! It is from my friend's wedding.

She looks so little!

Toot Toot!!!!!!

Kyleigh just loved the train at the Zoo.

Hanging out in the backyard

Sadly she still uses these ridiculous pacifiers.
She has an addiction.

Easter Sunday!

I love these guys!

She can't do this anymore:(

Birthday party!

So sweet!

We took him to McDonalds for his Birthday last year.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!